How to Grow Your Email List:
A Step-By-Step Guide for Writers

The complete course on marketing your writing, growing your audience, and making money from your blog

Buy Now - $55 - $99- (special price!)
Do you have an important message to share that you know could help countless people?

Have you put hours into creating a fabulous website and writing informative blog posts to share that message?

But are you frustrated because, after all that work, hardly anyone is reading your posts or signing up to your email list?

You know that many people would benefit greatly from your writing and the products you could offer, but you feel overwhelmed when it comes to marketing yourself and wish someone would tell you exactly which steps to take?

Then this course is for you.

In this comprehensive, hands-on course, I lead you step-by-step from getting your very first email subscriber all the way to promoting your first product to your audience.

I share the exact strategies that helped me grow my email list from 200 subscribers to over 2,000 in just 12 months, and now to over 6,000. And I also show you how I make money from my list and how you can too.

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Why An Email List Is Essential To Your Blog's Success

When most people try to grow an audience online, they spend hours crafting new blog posts and then promoting their work on social media.

The only problem is that this leaves you at the mercy of social media algorithms. Often you have to pay in order to get your message in front of more people.

Even worse, your social media following doesn't belong to you, and your account could be hacked or suspended at a moment's notice. This has happened to me!

Not so with email.

You 100% own your email list. With an email list, you can take your audience with you no matter what platform you use to publish your content.

It gives you a direct line of communication with your most loyal fans. Emails are far more personal than social media updates or even blog posts and will allow you to build relationships with your audience. Someone might stumble across your website, enjoy your writing, but then leave and forget all about you. With email, you can let them know whenever you create something new, and you can reach out to them to find out what products and content you can create to best help them.

Additionally, emails sell more effectively than promotional posts on social media or announcements published on your website. Book publishers know this and, often, they’ll give you a bigger advance the bigger your email list is. If you’re self-publishing, an email list is essential for marketing your book and organizing a book launch team.

With at least 1,000 email subscribers, you will have a loyal fan base and be on the road to turning your blog into a profitable business. Your email subscribers are your most dedicated followers who are waiting on the edge of their seats to read your next blog post or buy your product.

Don’t think that you’re a writer, not a marketer, and will never be able to find your audience online. This course will show you how to market your work on the Internet.

And the truth is that writers have to be marketers in today’s online world.

If you don’t want your blog to become an expensive hobby, then you have to be your own agent. Without an audience, you don’t have anyone you can sell your books, products, or services to.

You have to get your work out to the public because you deserve to make a living from your art. You’re losing money every day that you don’t solve this problem. Worst of all, there are thousands of people who deserve to be inspired and helped with your words who will never hear from you.

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How I Found My Audience Online
(and How You Can Too)

I know firsthand how frustrating building an online audience can be. When I first started my blog only a few years ago, I was in the same place as you.

I invested in a beautiful website theme. I spent days crafting blog posts. I connected with influencers. I poured my energy into growing an Instagram following of over 1,000 followers and promoting my writing on other social media sites.

And, yet, only a handful of my social media followers would read my blog posts and even less subscribed to my email list.

No matter how hard I tried promoting my writing online, my email list grew at a snail’s pace. So I began researching email list building strategies, went to marketing conferences, and consulted with some of the top innovators in the marketing field. Then I started implementing what I’d learned.

In November of 2016, my email list finally began to grow. By November of 2017, it had grown from 200 to over 2,000 subscribers (in just 12 months!).

Now when I publish a blog post, I send out an email, and within minutes, hundreds of people have read it. Often I get more email replies than I get comments on my blog.

I’ve worked with high-ticket web design and copywriting clients who found me through my email list. And I’ve created small digital products that have earned $1,000 in the first week of sales. My writing has been published in big publications like The Muse. And my website was voted one of the top 100 websites for writers by The Write Life (thanks in part to a flurry of nominations from my loyal readers).

I’m not sharing my story to brag. I’m sharing it to show you what’s possible. If I could do it, you can too.

It didn’t take me years to get these results. And it had nothing to do with luck. I used strategies that anyone can use, even if you’re starting with an audience of zero and have no marketing or technical expertise at all.

Now, it certainly wasn’t easy to get to this point. I had to figure out which email strategies were the most effective and which ones would attract subscribers who would actually be excited to read what I was writing (no sleazy marketing tactics allowed).

That’s why I created this course for you.

It’s the course I wish I’d had when I was first getting started. I want to save you all the time I spent experimenting so you don’t end up wasting valuable time on things that don’t work.

This course is a compilation of everything I’ve learned after many months of trial and error and attending seminars and coaching worth thousands of dollars. I’ve put together the most powerful list building strategies so you can promote your work effectively and find your audience online.

Buy Now - $55

Let Me Help You Grow Your Email List Fast

With this course as your guide, you’ll:

✔ Disover how to quickly get your very first subscribers when you’re starting from zero

✔ Get the exact fill-in-the-blank templates for attracting the right people to your list who want to read what you’re writing and buy your books, products, or services

✔ Discover the reason why your email list isn’t growing even if you have an opt-in gift (don’t know what an opt-in gift is? You’ll find out why you need one and how to make yours 10-times more effective)

✔ Get the pro copywriting tips for writing emails that delight your subscribers and prevent them from unsubscribing in droves

✔ Discover how to transform your website and blog posts into magnets that attract email subscribers while you sleep

✔ Learn how to make money from your list so you can spend more time creating what you love

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Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the course!

    • A message from your instructor...
    • How To Use This Course
    • Before we begin...
  • 2

    Email Marketing Lingo

    • A Quick Intro to Email Marketing Lingo
  • 3

    Getting Started

    • Getting Started...
    • Step 1: Choosing an Email Service Provider
    • Take Action
    • Step 2: Setting up a Website
    • Take Action
  • 4

    How to Attract Email Subscribers

    • Nine Strategies That Will Help You Get Your First 1,000 Subscribers
  • 5

    Strategy #1: How to Define Your Target Audience & Craft a Mission Statement

    • Crafting a Mission Statement
    • Take Action
  • 6

    Strategy #2: How to Get Your First 100 Subscribers

    • Build Your Email List's Core Subscribers
    • Take Action
  • 7

    Strategy #3: How to Create a Powerful Opt-in Gift

    • Create an Opt-in Gift
    • Take Action
  • 8

    Strategy #4: How to Optimize Your Website with Subscribe Forms

    • Optimize Your Website with Subscribe Forms
    • Take Action
  • 9

    Strategy #5: How to Write Compelling Blog Posts with Content Upgrades

    • Write Compelling Blog Posts with Content Upgrades
    • 1. Craft a Strong Headline
    • 2. Open with an Irresistible Introduction
    • 3. Follow the Story Structure of the Hero’s Journey
    • 4. Make Your Post Easy to Read
    • 5. End With a Call to Action and a Content Upgrade
    • Take Action
  • 10

    (New) Strategy #6: How to Get Traffic to Your Website with Search Engine Optimization

    • Drive Traffic to Your Website through Search Engine Optimization
    • 1. Choose Your Keyword
    • 2. Optimize Your Blog Post Around Your Keyword
    • 3. Optimize Your Blog Post to Increase Time on Page
    • 4. Collect Backlinks to Increase Your Website's Authority
    • Take Action
  • 11

    Strategy #7: How to Promote Your Email List Effectively on Social Media

    • Promote Your Email List on Social Media
    • How to Use Twitter to Grow Your Email List
    • How to Use Facebook to Grow Your Email List
    • How to Use LinkedIn to Grow Your Email List
    • How to Use Instagram to Grow Your Email List
    • How to Use Pinterest to Grow Your Email List
    • Take Action
  • 12

    Strategy #8: How to Partner with Other Creators

    • Why partner with other creators?
    • How to Guest Post the Smart Way
    • Take Action
    • How to Guest Podcast the Smart Way
    • Take Action
    • How to Guest Email the Smart Way
    • Take Action
  • 13

    Strategy #9: How to Run an Exciting Giveaway

    • How to Run a Giveaway
    • Take Action
  • 14

    Bonus Section: How to Nurture Your Email List

    • Tips and Tactics for a Successful Email Newsletter
    • What's the first email I should send to subscribers?
    • What should I send to subscribers after the first email?
    • How should I write my email’s subject lines?
    • How often should I send my emails?
    • When should I send my emails?
    • How should I format my emails?
    • What's a good open rate to shoot for?
    • How can I decrease the number of people unsubscribing?
  • 15

    How to Make Money From Your Email List

    • How to Make Money From Your Email List
    • Strategy #1: How to Become an Affiliate
    • Strategy #2: How to Drive Traffic to Websites Where You Make Money
    • Strategy #3: How to Offer Premium Content
    • Strategy #4: How to Create a Small Digital Product
    • Strategy #5: How to Offer a Service
    • Strategy #5: How to Launch a $100+ Product
  • 16

    Next steps

    • Congrats! Here's what's next...
    • More resources for you
    • Before you go...

It worked for these people, and it will work for you...

Here's what students are saying:

  • “Nicole is a fantastic writer and in this course she continues to deliver! The content has depth yet it’s easy to digest in small steps. I highly recommend this course to any writer who wants to build an oh-so important email list. I wish I’d had it when I first started out!”
    - Amy Crumpton, writer, counselor, and blogger

  • “There’s a reason why Nicole’s website is listed as one of the top websites for writers. Her blog posts and in-depth marketing guides will help you succeed as a writer. This course is a must for learning how to grow your email list.”
    - Dave Chesson, bestselling author and creator of

  • "Nicole Bianchi’s guide lives up to the promises of the title, explaining with ease and specificity how to effectively guest post and promote on social media. She also walks you through the steps of how to create a reader magnet, which is a free gift — usually an e-book — to get readers to sign up for your list. Believe me, when I was creating my magnet for my blog, I had Nicole’s guide open the whole time!"
    - Kate Findley, writer

Imagine if you had an email list full of people who love what you're creating and want to buy your books, products, or services.

You're no longer publishing blog posts into the void but instead have an audience of loyal readers.

Best of all, because you know exactly what strategies to use to grow your email list, you don't have to worry about how to promote your work online. Instead, you can focus on dedicating time to the things you're truly passionate about.

If you’ve had enough of late nights spent agonizing over how to market your writing, get more email subscribers, and make money from your blog, and you’re ready to find out the right way to do it, then this is it!

This is the solution you’ve been looking for that will help you take your marketing to the next level.

Let’s get started right now.

Buy Now - $55

About Your Instructor

Hi! I’m Nicole Bianchi. I’m a published writer and professionally trained copywriter.

For over ten years, I've worked as a web designer and copywriter, helping my clients build beautiful and professional websites and reach their audience online.

My website is ranked one of the top 100 best websites for writers by The Write Life. I’m also a top writer on where I have a following of over 15K and run the publication Copywriting Secrets.

Through my blog posts and online courses, I share writing and copywriting strategies that will help you get your message out to the world.


  • When does the course start and finish?

    The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.

  • What if I am unhappy with the course?

    I would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase and don't believe you've learned how to effectively grow your email list, contact me in the first 3 days and I'll give you a full refund.

  • What kind of course is this? Audio, video, text?

    All of the lessons are text.

  • Will this be effective for a fiction writer?

    Absolutely. Anyone can use this course's strategies to grow their audience online.